TSC FAKE CHAT #4 (or, The One I Promised I’d Never Do)


A quick disclaimer: This fake chat has precisely nothing to do with the Conventional Trilogy. It may reference events from those chats, though. And possibly others.


Prologue: Dark times have fallen upon TSC. For the past month, none of the three admins have been sighted. Rolken made a brief return yesterday to announce that a new admin would be elected to steer TSC through this phase. Who did TSC nominate to lead it through these dark times?





This is where our story begins…


You know the drill. Commentary in red.


* Now talking in #soniccenter

* Topic is “The Dead Centre – http://www.soniccenter.org/ - Where our admins have deserted us :( | Word of the day: abandon | Cherry is our new admin! Stay in line or she’ll feed you to her tiger :(

* Set by CherryMay on Mon Jan 15 21:24:00


Yay, Cherry finally got her tiger!


* ChanBot sets mode: +a mike89

<mike89> oh, I see we have a winner! Congratulations!

<Stefan> yeah

<Stefan> I voted for you :(

<mike89> I don’t think you were supposed to say that >_>

<CherryMay> hi mike!

<ShadowJacky> hey mike

<mike89> hey SJ/cherry

<mike89> so yeah cherry what are you actually doing as admin

<CherryMay> nothing.

* sonicandamy has joined #soniccenter

<sonicandamy> hi

* CherryMay sets mode: +b *sonicandamy*@*


Since this is a fake chat, I can pretend that this ban will actually work. X)


* sonicandamy was kicked by CherryMay (well, maybe a little.)


Not that long ago, F-Man and I were given admin access ourselves. We have the ability to fix minor things but not a whole lot (which is fair, given my expertise). I cleaned up the useless guides but I haven’t done anything else yet.


<mike89> heh

<CherryMay> I’ve got access to the PHP admin stuff and all that but you can bet I won’t be using any of it XD

<F-Man> but cherry! It’s so easy to use!

<F-Man> all you have to do is click “Mark All” then “D’elete”!


The first of many references to other fake chats, which may or may not have been written by me. This one definitely was not.


Lil Munkie 78: All I had to do was click "Mark All" and then "D'elete." I'm not sure why they spelled De Elite that way, but from what I saw, it did delete the files of the people I had found. I just can't seem to get the main page to load now. Have you had any problems with the server lately?


<mike89> wrong fake chat >_>


Aforementioned line would be much more at home in a Mario Kart 64 chat than a Sonic Centre one.


<F-Man> er, whoops

<F-Man> never mind that

* F-Man whistles and begins the SA TAS

<F-Man> expect updates :o

<mike89> :o.

* GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilSoft

* GerbilEgg has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilEgg

<GerbilSoft> why was gerbilegg disconnected

<mike89> no idea :o

<GerbilSoft> oh well

<GerbilSoft> next update in 3 minutes

<ShadowJacky> should be a new record from me in there

<F-Man> 17”66 Chaos 0


You’ll see a few updates from F-Man just to let you know he’s still alive.


<F-Man> I think I can beat that

<GerbilEgg> *** New Record: Shadow Jacky got 2:29:78 on Sonic Heroes / Times / Frog Forest / Sonic

<GerbilEgg> *** New Record: eredani got 2:26:21 on Sonic Heroes / Times / Frog Forest / Sonic


This should not happen. If two times on the same level were submitted within five minutes, and both beat the standing record, then only the better time would be shown here. However it’s much more fun this way. Eredani has a way of beating your chosen time even before you do.


<ShadowJacky> damn!

<GerbilEgg> *** New Record: CherryMay got 296 on S2 / Rings / Emerald Hill 1 / Sonic


And so the story begins…


<mike89> WHAT



<CherryMay> yea.

<CherryMay> how’s that.

<Quartz> It’s… well, unexpected to say the least


<Zeph> inability to turn caps lock off?


Zeph (aka Psyknux) is the designated finish-off-other-peoples-sentences guy. He doesn’t need an invitation, but he gets one anyway.


<mike89> precisely.

<CherryMay> I feel as though seeing as how I’m running the show for now I may as well get involved a little.

<Zeph> :o.

<mike89> sounds reasonable

<RPG> I’ve been working on FF-S, I reckon it can go to 2:20


Why is RPG playing Sonic Heroes. I have no idea.



<CherryMay> yea.

<mike89> RPG what are you doing playing Sonic Heroes.

<MK> RPG the first step is admitting you have a problem


This is from a real chat. Link here. Except the real one was funnier.


<RPG> stfu

* RPG goes back to work on it

* yoshifan has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +v yoshifan

<yoshifan> something seems to be wrong with TSC…

<mike89> if it’s about cherry submitting, we know

<yoshifan> oh, you’re aware of the 0-point situation?

<mike89> …0 points?

<yoshifan> yeah, it lists CherryMay with 0 points

<yoshifan> …oh, that might explain it

<yoshifan> her time-sheet is solid platinum

<ShadowJacky> o_O


<Zeph> …:O

<Quartz> GERBILEGG!!



There’s something like 300 divisions for SA2B. If all records were claimed at once, that would make a massive flood.


<GerbilEgg> *** New Record: CherryMay got 1:38:89 on Sonic Adventure 2 (B) / Times / City Escape / Mission 1

<GerbilEgg> *** New Record: CherryMay got 0:22:34 on Sonic Adventure 2 (B) / Times / City Escape / Mission 2

* mike89 sets mode: +b *GerbilEgg*@*

* GerbilEgg was kicked by mike89 (PRE-EMPTIVE FLOOD KICK)

<GerbilSoft> fu

<GerbilSoft> unban gerbilegg plz

<CherryMay> oh, er, did I say a little? I meant a lot!

<mike89> cherry you know just because you’re the new admin doesn’t mean you can just post heaps of fake times

<CherryMay> actually, I’ve just been stockpiling times under the premise of never wanting to TA for about three years now

<CherryMay> I could prove them if you like

<GerbilSoft> unban gerbilegg plz

<Zeph> sure, I’m interested

<RPG> :o.

<genus> did you use box boosting?


As mentioned in previous fake chats, genus was a dirty liar. He claimed to use “box boosting” to gain speed, which upon testing was proven to be utter BS.


<CherryMay> …

<GerbilSoft> unban gerbilegg plz :(

<CherryMay> however did you guess?


My only subtle hint that the proof video is not all it seems.



* mike89 sets mode: +b *Gerbil*@*

* GerbilSoft was kicked by mike89 (you can go too)

* mike89 sets mode: -b *GerbilEgg*@*

<CherryMay> www.soniccenter.org/cherry/proof.avi

<Zeph> wow… everything checks out…

<genus> wait, what?

<genus> something I made up was useful?

<Quartz> So you admit you made it up?

<genus> yes. We settled this a year ago.

<genus> where have you been.

<Zeph> Pay attention, Quartz! >_>


A staple of Zeph’s. Quartz is one not to pay attention, hence the line.


* stanski has joined #soniccenter

<stanski> Just when I thought I had a hold on Sonic 2…

<stanski> CherryMay comes along and takes every record!

<mike89> um, what?

<mike89> another one?

<CherryMay> stanski check out www.soniccenter.org/cherry/proof.avi


er… does this look familiar to anyone?


<Zeph> um, isn’t that the one you gave us for SA2?

<stanski> it explains every sonic 2 record… these strats beat me into the ground…

* Taco has joined #soniccenter

* cybrax has joined #soniccenter

* Rayku has joined #soniccenter

<stanski> I therefore announce my retirement from sonic 2 competition, effective immediately


The obligatory retirement section. Just entering the channel are the three most noted retirees of the past year or so – excluding sonicam, because he always misses out on the fun.


<Rayku> well while there’s retirements going on…

<Rayku> I’m retiring again

<Rayku> but not before I post one last time

<Rayku> check out Green Hill in five minutes

<Taco> yeah I’m retiring too

<Taco> I’ll never pick up advance 2 or 3 again

<cybrax> im rterniig as wlel


Aoccdnirg to sicenttiss at Cmbargide Uvinresity… yeah you get the idea.


* cybrax was kicked by mike89 (silly drunkard)


Cybrax is always drunk these days. I miss the old cybrax. The one that you’d almost believe was Rolken


* sonicam has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +v sonicam

<sonicam> I’ve got an announcement to make…

<mike89> are you retiring?

<sonicam> …How’d you guess?

<mike89> call it instinct.

<sonicam> Well I’m off, to make better use of my time. :D

* sonicam has quit IRC (Quit: It’s party time! PAAAAAAAAARTY TIIIIIIIIIIIIIME!!)




The most popular internet meme of 2006 had to find its way in here somewhere.


<Stefan> I wonder what he’s doing

<Zeph> well it’s obvious, he’s…

* Zeph was kicked by mike89 (DON’T RUIN IT DAMNIT!)


This line actually had no purpose until I got to the end, and then decided I could “resolve” this part.


* Zeph has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +v Zeph

<Zeph> oh, fine. :/

<Zeph> oh, by the way, anyone checked out Site Champions lately?

<mike89> no?

<Zeph> well… I suggest you do.



<CherryMay> may I again redirect you to www.soniccenter.org/cherry/proof.avi

<yoshifan> I’m getting a 404 there

<Zeph> same.


The very fact that Zeph had humoured Cherry before, and now claims that the link gives a 404, should be enough proof by now of what’s going on.


<F-Man> got Chaos 0 down to 17”33 :D

<F-Man> also I’m retiring too </late>

<mike89> what.

<mike89> !quote 3


First use of GerbilEgg’s quoting mechanism. For those who don’t know what number 3 is, you’ll find out in a second.


<Zeph> …GerbilEgg isn’t here…

<mike89> oh damnit

* mike89 sets mode: -b *Gerbil*@*

* GerbilSoft has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilSoft

* GerbilEgg has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +v GerbilEgg

<GerbilSoft> there we go

<mike89> !quote 3

<GerbilEgg> Quote: 3 --> <mike89> I CALL BS!

<mike89> much better.

<GerbilEgg> *** New Record: Rayku got 0:25:00 on Sonic Adventure 2 (B) / Times / Green Hill / Mission 1

<mike89> whoa, I nearly forgot

* Spinballwizard has joined #soniccenter

<GerbilSoft> anyway, Sega’s called a press conference

<GerbilSoft> to be held at 8pm EST


This is the side story. We all forget that Cherry has BSed us for a few pages and concentrate on this.


<Zeph> that’s 15 minutes from now!

<Stefan> :O

<GerbilSoft> nobody knows what it regards yet

<Spinballwizard> Well

<Spinballwizard> That’s not entirely true.

<Spinballwizard> TSS is claiming inside info on this announcement:

<Spinballwizard> “The announcement, to be made by Sega at 8pm EST, is widely tipped to reveal that Sega will re-enter the console market with a new system, the Phoenix.”


Among other suggestions for this fictional name were such beauties as the GameHexagonalPrism. I think I made the right call in the end.


<Spinballwizard> “Expected to be announced is backwards compatibility with all previous Sega consoles.”


I suppose it could work in the same way as the Wii’s Virtual Console…


<GerbilSoft> what

<GerbilSoft> backwards compatible with Dreamcast -and- Genesis?

<mike89> *MegaDrive

<GerbilSoft> whatever

<Spinballwizard> Additionally

<Spinballwizard> “TSS will be running a live-blog on the event.”

<Spinballwizard> :O

* Spinballwizard logs on

<Spinballwizard> Eh, it’s not really worth it.

<Spinballwizard> [7:45 PM]: No appearance from any Sega reps as yet. We think we saw someone in a Sonic suit walk past, but that may have just been a hallucination.

<Spinballwizard> [7:46 PM]: Still nothing.

<Spinballwizard> [7:47 PM]: STILL nothing.

<Spinballwizard> I mean geez what do they expect?

<F-Man> knocked it down to 17”06!!

<F-Man> ok seriously time for emerald coast now

<mike89> so er

<mike89> while we’ve got a bit of time

<mike89> cherry explain yourself.


And now we return to the main plot.


<CherryMay> www.soniccenter.org/cherry/proof.avi

<RPG> We’ve already established there’s nothing there.

<CherryMay> …

<CherryMay> have you even seen it.

<RPG> It’s a bit hard, given I keep getting 404s

<CherryMay> your problem not mine.

<stanski> on that note, I’m not really retiring, there was nothing in that video that I didn’t already know

<stanski> by which I mean, there was nothing in it.

<mike89> what, so there is no video at all? I never even checked XD

<Zeph> pretty much.


So there was actually no video at all! Proof that Cherry’s just taken the entire site hostage.


<RPG> see, they were just taking the piss.

<RPG> You lose.

<RPG> Also

<RPG> You lose.

<RPG> Did I mention

<RPG> You lose?


An RPG trademark. Not sure he could’ve typed it all in ten seconds, but whatever.


* RPG was kicked by hanashi.surrealchat.net (Flooding (Limit is 5 lines per 10 seconds))

* RPG has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +v RPG

<Spinballwizard> [7:50 PM]: I saw someone! No, wait, it was just a Sony rep. Did someone say Ridge Racer?


Who knows why Sony are there.



<mike89> have I mentioned how lame TSS are?

<Spinballwizard> Only that they can’t play.


A recurring theme throughout the chat… and real life really. “we pwn stadium and cult cause they can’t play.”


<Spinballwizard> …:O

<Spinballwizard> [7:51 PM]: We’ve decided to play some of the better Sonic games to pass the remaining nine minutes. I’ve picked up Green Hill from Sonic 1, while my partner has decided to play Mad Space from Sonic Adventure 2. My best effort on act 1 so far is 29 seconds… Did you know you get a 50000 point time bonus for that?


And proven in action. Also their taste in games is questionable (see below).


Mad Space 2 (and even nine minutes) is a blatant Grand Re-Opening reference.



<Spinballwizard> There you have it, folks. Definitive proof that TSS can’t play. (As if we didn’t have enough already.)

<GerbilSoft> since when was SA2 one of the better Sonic games?

<Spinballwizard> And that TSS have bad taste in games. I mean, they gave Heroes 10/10!?!

<RPG> lol.

<Spinballwizard> [7:52 PM]: My partner just managed to complete Mad Space mission 2 in 2:27:35. That’s an A-rank!


It is, but only just. It should be noted that the record is 14”35 – but if you don’t have the Treasure Scope it’s much longer. So they at least get cut a little slack here. But not much.


<mike89> how’s that fare on TSC’s charts?

<Zeph> 59/64

<RPG> hah

<Spinballwizard> You know, we should really put them out of their misery.

<RPG> Would they check any email addresses during the live blog?

<Spinballwizard> Worth a shit.

<Spinballwizard> *shot >_>

<Zeph> !quote 11

<GerbilEgg> Quote: 11 --> <ShadowJacky> worth a shit


That really is quote 11. It was funny the first time…


<ShadowJacky> lol

* flyby has joined #soniccenter

<flyby> bad news guys :(

<Zeph> what is it :(

<flyby> rolken and I are no longer together :(


A cleverly placed diversion!


<RPG> what?!

<RPG> when did this happen :(

<flyby> just today

<flyby> its so depressing :(

<Spinballwizard> [7:56 PM] Almost ready! Iizuka has taken his place, and we’re just waiting on his translator so he can make the announcement in a language we can understand.

<Spinballwizard> also :(

<F-Man> preliminary EC time: 1:03:21

<F-Man> also :(

<Zeph> D:

<Spinballwizard> This one’s for you, RPG.

<Spinballwizard> [7:58 PM]: We’ve just received an email from Anonymous from the UK who’s taken our Sonic playing skills to task. Transcript:

<Spinballwizard> “I happen to have a time of 25 seconds for Green Hill 1, and under 16 seconds for Mad Space mission 2. And the fact that you had never seen a 50000 point time bonus just sickens me. I’ve seen time bonuses as high as 300000! Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it!

<Spinballwizard> Sincerely,

<Spinballwizard> Anonymous.”


Obviously this is RPG. The aforementioned 300000 time bonus only occurs in the Game Gear games, but since TSS can’t play they’d never have seen a time bonus that big.


<Spinballwizard> Time bonuses of 300000? We’ll just see about that.

<Zeph> Is that an oxymoron?

<genus> possibly.


Sincerely, Anonymous. It’s not that sincere, is it?


<Spinballwizard> [7:59 PM] The speculation ends now! A huge announcement is just around the corner…

* Spinballwizard hedging bets on an anticlimax like “lol matrix online”

<flyby> what is going on

<GerbilSoft> Sega’s making a HUEG announcement

<flyby> ok

<Spinballwizard> [8:00 PM] This has caught everyone off guard! The announcement is as follows: “Sega would like to thank its loyal customers for purchasing our products over the last 20 years, but we wish to announce that the upcoming Sonic game, Sonic Last, will be Sega’s last console game. From here on it will focus on the far more profitable pachinko market.”


This really is my great hope for the saving of Sonic. If Sega were to announce that their next game would be their last, much as Square did for Final Fantasy, they might actually put some effort into making it awesome. It’s a long shot, but not much else seems to be working…


<mike89> YES

<mike89> ABOUT TIME!

<mike89> this is Sonic’s saviour, I know it!

<RPG> :O?

<mike89> well, think about it.

<mike89> Square did this with final fantasy

<mike89> if they let the public know in advance, then they’ll be keen to buy it because it’ll be the end of the series

<mike89> and -perhaps- since Sega know this is the last outing, they’ll do a half decent job of it

* egg has joined #soniccenter


Our resident troll.


<egg> so have we all heard the big news

<Spinballwizard> Sure have

<egg> this only further serves to prove that Mario will be on xbox within two years


Why he thinks this I’ll never know. Even what I have him say in this chat makes no sense. And I try to get things making sense where possible.


<RPG> what.

<egg> well, think about it

<egg> without sonic as an adversary, Mario will crumble and die on Nintendo

<egg> then they’ll be bought out by Microsoft when nintendo’s profits fall apart

<mike89> we’ve been over this before

<mike89> Nintendo has never made a loss in a quarter

<egg> well obviously they will soon, law of averages

<mike89> …

<RPG> …

<Spinballwizard> [8:05 PM]: We asked Iizuka whether you can get a 300000 point time bonus as mentioned in an email earlier. It turns out Iizuka has no recollection of any game giving that much time bonus. And you’d think he’d know best. So, Anonymous, consider yourself served.


Which only serves to prove how out of touch “new” Sega is with the “old” Sega. And don’t think RPG’s done with yet!


<RPG> boo

<Spinballwizard> RPG, you can’t expect TSS to know about time bonuses that high. We all know they can’t play.

* CherryMay sets mode: +b *egg*@*


Technically this would ban GerbilEgg too, but since it’s got +v we can ignore that.


* egg was kicked by CherryMay (troll.)


Did you think we’d forgotten about you?


<RPG> hey hey HEY

<RPG> We’re not finished with you.

<mike89> yeah tell us what happened with the whole “lol I got every record on the site” thing

<CherryMay> I don’t have to answer to you, I’m the admin of the site!

<flyby> later kids :(

<CherryMay> and seeing as how I have the admin password, I can delete the whole thing!


Another Mario Kart 64 fake chat reference:


Lil Munkie 78: If you don't give me the respect I deserve, I'll delete the site! I'm the only one with the password for it, you know.


* flyby has quit #soniccenter (Quit: :()

* Rolken has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +q Rolken

<CherryMay> that’ll teach rolken to make me admin!

<CherryMay> er, hi rolken!


<mike89> <CherryMay> and seeing as how I have the admin password, I can delete the whole thing!

<Rolken> >:(

* Rolken change admin password

* Kitsune has joined #soniccenter


Kitsune (formerly known as formarfan, but he thinks we don’t know that) is just… well, weird. He’s strangely obsessed with Cherry, which in the current situation is just the light-heartedness we need.


<Kitsune> CHERRY!

<Kitsune> <3<3<3

<Kitsune> you’re admin these days? I luv girls with power ;);)

<Rolken> she won’t have any power much longer >:(

<Kitsune> why are you being mean to cherry :(

<Rolken> cause she nearly deleted three years of TSC perhaps :x

<Kitsune> You’re lying!

<Rolken> I could say the same about you

<genus> <Rolken> A certain level of intelligence is required to become a member here

<genus> and we all know Kitsune’s post count matches his IQ

<Rolken> you’re not suggesting that’s true for everyone, are you?




I know the line really belongs to SM, but he’s not here. Get over it.


<genus> maybe I am.

* Kitsune has quit IRC (Quit: fly away with me cherry~)

<RPG> Damn I must be smrt then

<RPG> …


<RPG> I mean S-M-A-R-T

<mike89> heh.

<Rolken> okay cherry

<Rolken> for attempting to delete my site

<Rolken> you win the prize!

<Rolken> speculation for a minute before I reveal what it is

<mike89> a date with kitsune?

<GerbilSoft> a ban?

<RPG> A highly brutal murder?


I surely don’t need to bring up RPG’s murdering topic again.


<genus> a lingering johninated Portugal hippstrandeler?




Cherry would’ve understood it. :(


<mike89> …wtf?

<Rolken> lol.

<Rolken> unfortunately gerbil wins :(

<Rolken> the obvious answer is always the best folks

* CherryMay has quit IRC (Quit: sneaky exit~)

<Rolken> …

* Rolken sets mode: +b *CherryMay*@*

<Rolken> we now return to scheduled programming.

* Kitsune has joined #soniccenter


I dunno why he comes back, but this is far too easy.


<Rolken> or, perhaps we don’t

<Kitsune> :(

<Kitsune> where is my love, cherry :(

<Rolken> would you like to join her?

<Kitsune> would I!!

* Rolken sets mode: +b *Kitsune*@*

* Kitsune was kicked by Rolken (your wish is my command)

<Rolken> oh man that was too easy.

<Spinballwizard> [8:15 PM]: So there we have it. After the release of Sonic Last, Sonic will never make another appearance. Here’s hoping Sega send Sonic off in the best possible fashion… with a good game.

<Spinballwizard> Hey, what do you know. Maybe TSS really do realise that Sonic’s last few outings have actually sucked.

<Spinballwizard> However, I see no apologies for misleading the public earlier regarding a re-entry to the console market.

<F-Man> EC 1:02:96!

<RPG> :O gj

<Rolken> what’s this, SBW?

<Spinballwizard> Basically, Sega called a press conference, TSS claimed to “know” that Sega were announcing a return to the console market, but instead they just said that this coming Sonic game will be the last.

<Rolken> …they actually committed to it being the last game?

<Rolken> thank goodness

<Rolken> also lol at TSS

* _ has joined #soniccenter

* Sprint has joined #soniccenter

* ChanBot sets mode: +a Sprint


There we go. Order is restored.


<Spinballwizard> And all is right in the world again.

<Spinballwizard> On that note, I’m going

<Rolken> bye sbw~

<Spinballwizard> But wait! There’s more!

<Spinballwizard> [8:17 PM]: Our anonymous emailer has returned… here goes:

<Spinballwizard> “Perhaps you ‘avid fans’ don’t recall the Game Gear games? Perhaps you should check this video out and tell me that there’s no 300000 time bonus: http://www.gdward.plus.com/site/avi/s2ms-sh2.avi

<Spinballwizard> So, TSS and Sega, consider YOURSELVES served.

<Spinballwizard> Regards,

<Spinballwizard> Anonymous.”


He’s baaaaaaaaack!


<Spinballwizard> Well, he was right. But let this not take away from the magnitude of this announcement!

<mike89> heh RPG that was awesome

<RPG> X)

<Spinballwizard> And now I really go.

* Spinballwizard has quit IRC (Quit: This is supposed to be witty, but mike’s wit leaves a lot to be desired. X))


This happens a few times towards the end. The characters actually realise that I’m writing this, somewhat.


<mike89> hey hey HEY

<mike89> he’ll be hearing about that in the morning

* sonicam has joined #soniccenter

<mike89> you must be getting sick of this

<mike89> you missed out on all the fun again!


Sonicam always misses out on the fun. :(


<sonicam> What happened this time?

<mike89> well lets see…

* mike89 scrollup

<mike89> well, F-Man started on the SA TAS

<sonicam> :o

<F-Man> btw EC down to 1’02”61

<mike89> Cherry was promoted to admin, claimed every record and was banned in a very short time span

<sonicam> Cherry’s banned? :D


It’s no secret that sonicam is not fond of Cherry.


<mike89> Sega announced one last Sonic game

<mike89> and rolk and flyby split up :(


Oh, yeah. I’ve still got something to resolve here.


<sonicam> D:

<Zeph> Hang on a second!

<Zeph> What -were- you doing when you left earlier?


And by tying it to something else I forgot to resolve, I can kill two birds with one stone!


<sonicam> Why do you ask? :o

<Zeph> <Stefan> I wonder what he’s doing

<Zeph> <Zeph> well it’s obvious, he’s…

<Zeph> * Zeph was kicked by mike89 (DON’T RUIN IT DAMNIT!)

<sonicam> lol, I blame mike’s fake chat humour

<mike89> >_>

<Zeph> so clearly mike knew something important

<mike89> I know nothing!

<Rolken> !addquote <mike89> I know nothing!

<GerbilEgg> Rolken: Quote added with id: 175

<Rolken> >_> <_<

<mike89> bastard.

<mike89> so anyway

<mike89> I dunno what it could be… :o


This is part ironic. I had totally run out of ideas and instead, settled on an anticlimactic conclusion.


That, however, leaves one thing still unresolved…


<sonicam> Well…

<sonicam> I went to a party. :o

<Zeph> …that’s it?

<sonicam> Yeah. :o

<mike89> darn anticlimaxes

<mike89> I was hoping for something big there

<genus> did someone say anticlimax?

<Zeph> no.

<genus> oh, ok


Genus attempted a fake chat – he called it the Anticlimax. It sucked.


One of the recurring themes through it was that as soon as something questionable came up, the other character would always respond with “oh, ok”. As a result there were no conflicts in the chat.


<Rolken> also we are not split up :(

<mike89> you’re not split up at all?

<Rolken> I insisted that this chat have a dramatic moment followed by a good ending.


And now it’s all resolved. I can go now.


<mike89> ah.

<mike89> all’s well that ends well I suppose.

* mike89 had better get going

<Rolken> seeya :o

<sonicam> Bye mike.

<RPG> Not before I get my monologue in!

<RPG> So basically

<RPG> I pwn right.

* mike89 has quit IRC (Quit: No monologue for you!)


This has been fun, once again. Even though I said I’d never do a fourth one, I had so much new material and a plot already in mind that I just couldn’t lose. It was fairly short (about the length of the first at 3252 words), and I probably got through a page or two every day to progress the story, but make sure no stone was left unturned and no opportunity for humour lost.


I hope you enjoyed it!